UnReal World > Suggestions

drying meat with a cord should degrade it


Feel free to contradict me, but shouldnt the process of drying meat on the cord be degrading to it? I would suggest that the tying material goes down 1 step in quality each time it's used for meat tying.

If drying meat and fish would degrade the cordage, while hung on a wall, under a eave/overhang. Then I feel using cords on traps and left outdoors for more than couple seasons: should disintegrate the cord and deconstruct the trap. But there are lot of old (not centuries old, just decades) fence lines still standing.
Meat is cut into thin slices, fish is generally butterflied, in either case cord doesn't have huge contact area with the protein.

TL:DR; I don't feel cord degradation when drying is warranted.


--- Quote from: critterdust on October 21, 2020, 12:49:00 AM ---Feel free to contradict me, but shouldnt the process of drying meat on the cord be degrading to it? I would suggest that the tying material goes down 1 step in quality each time it's used for meat tying.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Feel free to contradict me, but shouldnt the process of drying meat on the cord be degrading to it? I would suggest that the tying material goes down 1 step in quality each time it's used for meat tying.
--- End quote ---

Lots of wear and tear of things, smaller and bigger, is ignored since it’s not that meaningful to have in use in the game. The wear and tear in this case is so minimal that it’s not quite worthwhile to pay attention to.

Heh, it’s quite interesting that this suggestion even comes up. See, not too long time ago cords were used up completely within drying and smoking processes due to game mechanics. It was happily welcomed addition that you could re-use the cords again, and again. And now, who knows if we’ll see a wave of “make the cords get destroyed again!” suggestions.


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