UnReal World > Gameplay questions

Can not make shovel haft


Hi there,

after some years absent, I recently came back to the Unreal World.

I am playing 3.83 + BAC 3.82 and I am not sure if the problem I have is a bug, an incompability between the gameversion v3.83 and the Mod being for v3.82.

So .. here we go:

After some extensive work in the gardens my shovel broke (well .. I had two shovels and both are broken now) and I can not find a way to produce an shovel haft.

Under "M" - "Hafting" there are only two options: Haft a weapon or tool & Remove the haft

Under "M" - "Carpentry" there is a way to create an axe haft.. but no shovel haft.

I have looked through all options, but I can not find a way to create that shovel haft. I could use BAC to create an iron shovel, but the shovel head is incompatible to the iron shovel head.

Any help?

Thanks! :)


Bert Preast:
I don't think the BAC mod has been updated yet to cope with the new hafting mechanism; so for now you have to choose between BAC and having hafting, arrow making, and a few other things not working, or playing without the mod for now.

I'm in the same situation!

You can edit menudef_BAC.txt, comment out or change the letter "H" so that it doesn't override the game's [H]afting menu any more. You might have to change some other letters around too, so that you can keep the parts of BAC that you use most -- you probably want to get rid of fletching since the game has that now.

A more time consuming change would be to go through all of the diy_* files and update to them to use the new items but just making the menudef change will get you back on your feet.


--- Quote ---You can edit menudef_BAC.txt, comment out or change the letter "H" so that it doesn't override the game's [H]afting menu any more.

--- End quote ---

Well .. that did not work.

If I press "M" there already was a "H" (Hafting) option. And it does not change anything if I edit the menudef_BAC.txt file to use letter "G".  ???
And "yes" .. I quit the game and restarted it.  ;D

Hmm, if there's a BAC item with the exact same name as the shovel haft you'll have to comment that out too (find which file has it and then add // to the beginning of each line in that recipe)


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