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Topics - JP_Finn

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 11
Bug reports / Switching projectiles on loaded crossbows
« on: August 03, 2023, 07:28:16 PM »
Switching from blunt arrow to regular arrow (or any other arrow) takes 30 seconds (or 60s on heavy) on already primed crossbow. Should take 1 turn.

Make lichen harvestable.

Preferably akin to harvesting bark from trees, but only every ~5 years per tile.

Boil it (or crush and then boil) for mediocre carbohydrate source. After boiling, allow it to be used as 'vegetable' in recipes.

Best I've seen mentioned 12 carb/100g, 0 fat, 0 protein. Lot of the sources say it has and can be used for making aquavit (alcohol). And Alaskan native use boiled reindeer lichen as medicine for diarrhea.
It's actually really hard to find any data on non-farmed plants for their nutritional values.
FWIW IRL, don't chew the stuff pre-boiled, doesn't taste great. And is really acidic. Hope you got lead-lined gut...

Bug reports / Bird thief, 2nd time round problem in quest structure.
« on: June 29, 2023, 09:36:49 PM »
My character was approached by another victim of fowl thievery. Found the trapping site, picked up snares and feathers, walked to the closest mountain, did the spell (that's listed in known spells from completing this quest once already). Went to tell the victim that the spell is completed. But I don't have that option.

I did speak to the 'informant' after the spell completion was not acknowledged. The sage wants me to bring him a bird, but I already know the spell.

Bug reports / Advanced game course, Foreign traders
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:01:41 AM »
The task has minor typo succesful vs correct form successful

Also, I believe the task is outdated as villagers do not share news about traders anymore.

Suggestions / Sightings
« on: June 23, 2023, 01:50:42 AM »
Now that we have a system in place for asking for blacksmiths that extends beyond connected villages, I suggest to add foreigner sightings.

Either villagers telling the character there's some foreign people sighted at X direction, Y distance away. Earlier in the day, yesterday, few days, week ago.
Or the character could ask if the folks have heard of or seen foreigners lately, same as for smiths and sages.

Extra bonus if we could get sightings of traders and invaders both.

Suggestions / Cookery without fire
« on: June 18, 2023, 11:24:57 PM »
Simple suggestion: implement [cut] as cooking method that retains nutritional values and inherits the name, while not requiring fire, or pot, nor reduce weight. And keep "raw" attribute on meats and fishes, mushrooms and vegetables.

Usable for piecing fish, salt curing proteins before drying or smoking, making farmers lunch (vegetables, berries, bread...) or simply slicing bread in half; some for fish bait, some to eat right now. Options with cookery would easily double.

Mod Releases / [3.80] Smoker. Hot smoking. Now version 1.2!
« on: June 17, 2023, 05:26:38 AM »
Pretty simple: adds smoker, hanging hooks (needed for smoker), trough for brining, and meat, fish cut and cured meat hot smoking recipes. Unzip to the UrW executable folder.
You should find Make-Smoker and Cookery-Hot smoke.

You can start the fire on the same tile as the smoker, it won't burn down*. The recipe takes some time as the fire needs to be kept going slow and steady. But once the recipe is finished, there's no delay on getting the meat/fish picked up and back on the move.

There's a bug in *COOKERY* with [patch] and no consumption without [patchwise] of the required firewood. Feel free to Discard or burn elsewhere.

Brining and smoking cured meat added. v1.1
1lbs of fish fileted, salted and hot smoked for 2x 0.4lbs filets. v1.2 whole fish recipes are bugged with [patch:]

Expect v1.3, hot smoking whole fishes, after *COOKERY* / [patch:] / [ask_num] / [patchwise] bug is squished.

*Avoid placing the smoker next to other fire sources/-places. Or risk burning things.

I've been testing and tuning some hotsmoking recipes.
It would seem that using_ [patch:number_of_cuts_to_be_smoked]
and requiring fixed amount of firewood, say (20), with [remove] [ground], and without [patchwise] on the line, the firewood is NOT consumed.

Hot smoke
Code: [Select]

.Hot smoke cut. [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed] *COOKERY* /6h/ |+1| %20% [patch:30] -M-
{Smoking tripod} [ground]
{Raw meat} #1# [ask_num] [remove] [name:hot smoked %s cut] [roast] [patchwise]
{Firewood} (20) [remove] [ground]

.Hot smoke fish.  [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed] -F- *COOKERY* /4h/ |+1| %20% [patch:15] :148:
{Smoking tripod} [ground]
{Raw fish} [remove] [name:hot smoked %s] [ask_num] [roast] [patchwise]
{Salt} #0.03# [remove] [patchwise]
{Firewood} (12) [remove] [ground]

Code: [Select]

.Smoking tripod. "Arrow shaft" [effort:2] [phys:arms,stance,one-armed] -T- *TIMBERCRAFT* /3/ \1\ |-1| [assist:1] %30%
{Cutting weapon}
{Wooden stake} (3) [remove] [ground]
{Tying equipment} <Withe> =4= [remove] [ground]
{Hanging hook} (30) [remove]
{Spruce twig} (12) [remove] [ground]
{Stone} (5) '+for fire ring' [remove]

.Hanging hook. "Arrow shaft" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed] -H- *CARPENTRY* /5/ |-2| %30% [patch:30]
{Branch} [remove] [patchwise]
{Knife} <Small knife>

Using hooks instead of yarn for hanging, can't return the yarn on custom smoking recipes.

My character got tired of taking skis off to climb trap fence to get small game trap caught critters on the other side. Decided to Deconstruct a section, replace it with gate.
So I used Make-Build-Deconstruct. Moved to the hole in fence, pushed the stakes and withes tile south. moved out of way and built gate with Make-Build-Gate. As the character had 4 stakes and 2 decent and 2 inferior withes in their inventory, I know there's 2 of each extra needed for a gate (carrying material for another gate for another fence).
I didn't expect to see withes left on the ground. Much less to see 65534 Fine withes on the stack on the ground!

Emailing save.

Suggestions / Dark cabin, starting fire in fireplace
« on: June 15, 2023, 05:55:49 PM »
At the moment during darker time of year to get light and heat in ones cabin: one has to grab branches/twigs from woodpile, go outside, drop the wood, step aside, start a fire, light a torch, go back inside, push some wood in fireplace, start a fire, put out torch.

I would think a person would know where their fireplace is (that they built themselves) in a cabin (they built by themselves). If nothing else than by feel. Pushing in to front of the characters gets prohibited with 0-tile visibility, same as mechanics stop pushing items behind them.

Hence a suggestion that the characters to be allowed push firewood in to fireplace in their dark cabin*.
Lighting a fire into dark tile, which the character is facing, is already allowed, as any cave hideout builder should know.

Quality of Life improvement, key-jockeying reduction
*or possibly any fireplace, if easier to implement.

2nd to last paragraph, is meant to read hours and hours[/], it reads hours and hourse

General Discussion / Craftable nets... not stealing thunder!
« on: June 13, 2023, 09:35:13 PM »
Incase anyone is anxious to get to crafting nets, before they go vanilla and then EVERYONE is crafting nets:

Dropping this in diy_glossary.txt (3.80 only) right above "[SUBMENU_END:fishing]" will get you tying those sheet bends like a crusty old fishermen!
Spoiler: show

Code: [Select]
.-------------------------------. "Rock" /1/
{-} +'This is just a menu space'

.Netting needle. "Sesta" [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *CARPENTRY* /1h/ %20% -D-
{Firewood} [remove] [noquality]
{Knife} <Small knife>

.Net. [effort:1] [phys:hands] *FISHING* /8h/ %10% |-1| -N-
{[NEARBY_TILE:*wall]} +'Wall to hang the net on'
{Yarn} =600= [nominlen] [remove]
{Netting needle}
{Wood slat} (3) '+for floats' [remove]
{Knife} <Small knife> '+for shaping and trimming'
{Rock} (3) '+for weights&knapping' [remove] [ground] [noquality]
{Birchbark} =9= '+for wrapping' [remove] [ask_num] [noquality]

If the temperature scale shows 0C 32F as the center line. Above freezing in red and below freezing in blue; then it's bugged. Got couple pixels worth of red and the ice re-freezes, in few hours.

Save available.

Gameplay questions / Chewing/eating time?
« on: June 10, 2023, 08:30:48 PM »
What is the trigger for eating time? As in how long it takes to consume a meal/cut/fish?
Is it hardcoded or is it something like calorific content?
I'm pretty sure it is not weight or preservation/preparation method as roasted bear cut takes same 7-8 minutes as dried bear cut.

I would think dried&slow smoked foods to take longer to chew/masticate/eat than roasted/boiled/salted.

Suggestions / Crafting Engine recipes.
« on: June 10, 2023, 02:53:04 AM »
At the moment when crafting output is an item that can be made alternative recipe, the second recipe asks the requisites of the first.

E.g. Making 8 stakes in Lumber menu from a slender trunk, I would like to utilize un needed Board to split and cut into stakes (4), but the one on the list above, over-writes the 2nd recipe.

Code: [Select]
.Wooden stake. [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *TIMBERCRAFT* (8) /30/ %40% |-2| [patch]
.Staff. [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *CARPENTRY* /15/ %60% |-2| [patch]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>
{Slender trunk} [remove] [patchwise]

.Wooden stake. (4) [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *TIMBERCRAFT* /15/ %40% |-2| [patch]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>
{Board} [remove] [ground] [patchwise]

Please enable same output from different recipes.

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