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Topics - TMagurowitz

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Travel time raft vs. walking?
« on: December 28, 2023, 09:58:52 PM »
Is rafting faster than walking or is storage capacity the only perk? Like to travel in my playthroughs and I'm considering whether to get from Driik to Kaumo by foot or along the southern coast.

Gameplay questions / Sauna instructions and usage
« on: December 16, 2023, 09:01:53 PM »
Hey! Can someone give step by step instructions for how to use a sauna? Not for the game course, just for freely doing it when I want to. I suspect I need:

  + a building with fireplace
  + a vasta
  + a tub of water(?)
  + stones(?)

Also what is a sauna actually used for? I read influenza is in the game and plague was taken out. I know you can get food or mushroom or herb poisoning. Does it help with any of these conditions? How long should I take it for?

Gameplay questions / Travel time on different terrain?
« on: December 08, 2023, 11:32:44 PM »
Hey. I usually make it a point to travel through mire rather than woods, and avoid mountains and hills if I can. Are pine and open mires or heathland any faster to travel through on the wilderness map than denser spruce mires and other types of woods?

Not sure if my logic makes sense because mires would be muddy marshy soil anyway.

General Discussion / What do you guys do while healing from injury?
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:57:49 AM »
My character recently got injured to the point where he can't stand upright. He saw a wolfpack from his raft and thought he was slick for throwing javelins from the water. He didn't expect the wolves would jump in and maul him before he could paddle to deeper water.

The question: what am I supposed to do for the next few weeks / months before I can walk / have my strength back? Just light effort tasks, get all my crafting done? But still the quality will suffer. I have two nets and dried meat so food isn't a concern, but what if I didn't? Would trapping be the best food option?

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