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Re: The Water Folk Quest Suitable rocks are not that easy to find, as most that you DO find can't be climbed, and mentioned. I've had some luck with rivers (one character had the luck of having one suitable rock 4 meters from the homestead). However, I've also had a character who spent a lot of time first walking around a mid sized lake, and then punting along the shore of a huge lake to eventually find a suitable rock.

I think the advice to keep the eyes open for them from the start is a very good one, as is the marking of fords.

November 07, 2017, 01:29:19 PM
Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats The cat knocks your bronze ornamental comb off the table. It breaks.
The cat knocks your bowl of fish soup off the table. It spills.
You are ready to drop. You wrap yourself up in furs and...wait a that cat pee?

November 08, 2017, 08:27:58 AM
Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats You wrap yourself in furs and go to sleep.
Zzzzzz. [Hold on]
You wake.  You think you can hear a horny yowling nearby.
You wrap yourself in furs and go to sleep.
Zzzzzz. [Hold on]
You wake.  You think you can hear angry hissing and shrieking nearby.
You wrap yourself in furs and go to sleep.
Zzzzzz. [Hold on]
You wake.  There is a feline butthole pressed to your face.

November 08, 2017, 03:02:12 PM
THE BIRDS.... I am using the current beta and experienced something I never have before.

Started a new game.  Kaumo character in the kaumo area.

Found a lake just north of a cluster of villages that was very good for fishing.  Also some berry bushes in the area.  So I set up camp and started building.

As things progressed, a few birds flew around so I placed three loop snares.

And it began... birds.  MORE birds. and MORE BIRDS.

So many that I finally stopped skinning them and just burned the bodies.

This happened through the spring and summer.  It finally eased off as winter came back.

But... they... ate... everything... all the bushes... most of my crops...

It was horrible... I was having nightmares...

lol  :P

December 18, 2017, 05:06:27 PM
Way to increase stats What is weird that, the character doesn't develop when her/his skill become higher.

I think at least the height and weight can be increased/decreased according to the character's sex.

1. height and weight:

height can be improved a little bit, since the character started at age 16. Females can only stretch 1-3 cm, while males may continue to grow in early 20s.

For weight, it can either increase or decrease. Increase in weight will increase carrying capacity, and small animals/smaller humans find hard to compete her/him. Also fat in abdomen and forelegs (which females tend to accumulate) increase resistances to wound and cold. The bad is, the character become slower, and clumsy, also more likely to fail in some physical tasks.

I think height can affect speed (+ in plains, - in woods/caves), as well as the chance of physical tasks success/failure (depend on the tasks). Higher characters are more frightening and attractive.

2. Personality Stats

I heard in the wiki that the stats range in 0-18. So for intelligence, I think that it can be only increased by 1-2 in a character's lifetime (permanently, temporarily can be increased more by herb/drug) by practicing skills. Bigger fish like salmon or trout boosts growth.

Will can be increased to full as the character bother practicing, but also the growth is slow.

3. Physical Stats

Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Speed can be trained, but not to full (restriction of genetic factors...). There are sex/age bonus or penalties for that - for agility and speed, old characters and NPCs have penalties. Females are better in endurance while males tend to better in strength.

Eyesight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch

They cannot be trained, only increase by "buffs". Eyesight and hearing will very slowly decrease in a character's lifetime (by 1-2 points) as character do more activities. For a elderly character/NPC, there is a sudden penalty.

December 31, 2017, 02:11:57 AM
Re: THE BIRDS.... Its always good to skin birds even if its just for the feathers.

drop the the actual skin after you skin the animal and press shift+D to discard it.

Feathers dont rot, so just leave them on the ground near your camp.

Later on you might want to use the feathers to make your own arrows.

December 31, 2017, 05:58:37 AM
Re: Bones Dogs eat them. A dog can eat from a single elk bone about three times.
January 08, 2018, 11:13:27 PM
An unexpected suprise I went to check my long fence line with 5 trap pits on a narrow strip of land between two lakes today. I didn't have anything in my traps but out of the corner of my eye I saw a dead elk about 10 paces away.

It was partially eaten but gave me a fine skin and 208 cuts of meat.

How did it die I wonder? Bear? Wolf? Njerpez? Old age?

I don't know but I do know I love this game.

Thank you Sami!

January 16, 2018, 07:48:35 PM
Re: Animal Husbandry Cows are strong enough to carry logs (at least some cows, but I think all of them). Push the log onto the cow, lead the cow to the destination, get the log (i.e. pull it off).
February 08, 2018, 05:14:57 PM