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Re: Plasmator Expanded mod
Hi Krutzelpuntz, thanks for your feedback!

They just work fine on my pc when I run URW, I've used vanilla background-related object pictures and worken on them, meaby work fine just for me? I'm using latest URW version downloaded from

It seems to only be a problem with seacrab.png, mussel.png and shrimp.png. Here's an example of how they would look in game, with black background.

March 07, 2023, 02:18:58 PM
Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites New update, all animals are done and included in a combined pack.
NPC's will join them there one day, but progress is slow and tedius. Once you make 20, you really just want to be done soon..

A few other things has been included. Check out the optional stuff for player characters, tall trees and winter covered trees and boulder.

March 08, 2023, 12:38:08 AM
Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites New update! Due to file size limitations, I've had to part it in three, but I included a google drive link. Hope it works, as it's in one part.

Now includes all NPCs, and I started to experiment with plants.
Some plants now have multible plants in the sprite. (lake reeds, barley and heather)
Hope you enjoy!

March 11, 2023, 05:32:13 PM
Option for tile variants Just like the character portraits, or at least similar to, I'd love if tiles had the possibility to have variants.
Even animals, NPC's and especially plants could be improved with this.

The game would then choose a sprite at random.

This could greatly improve repeating textures across the whole game.

October 16, 2023, 12:53:08 PM