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Re: Too many Njerps? I tend to find the amount of them ruins the balance as well. You don't even need to be combat oriented, a solid active hunter build will can dispatch a lone njerp without difficulty (and often before they can even react) and make ridiculous profit in trades from selling off their weapons. My current game is a Owl Tribe hunter dead center of Driik territory, and in less then 2 months I had enough for complete fine knife set, and all masterwork axes, with MW spear and bow.

Frequently I run into multiple warriors on the same day (sometimes as many as 3). A few days ago (real days, not game) i spotted 2 at once in the bog, kill them then spotted 2 more as soon as i went back to world map. Killed the 3rd and went back to the village to rest before the 4th, and saw a 5th warrior on my way. All within maybe a 8 tiles radius and a few in-game hours. This could be explained away as a raiding party on the village, but since they're lone warriors and not moving as a group they're just easy pickings.

IMO other areas of the map except njerp lands or no-man's they should spawn a lot less, and more likely as a raiding party since they'd be in hostile lands. Common robbers should be more frequent then njerps. They're much harder to farm. Lower rewards due to worse gear and because they're a group much more of a risk to engage.

January 26, 2020, 12:23:19 AM