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Excel table to wiki

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Hi. How can i add my excel table to a wiki and to keep everything (colors, borderings, row/column sizes...)?

First of all, especially if your table has complex information (like the ones in the wiki's Plants page), make sure your table's wikicode is legible after conversion. The point of a wiki is that anyone can edit it at anytime so everyone needs to be able to understand the wikicode now and in the future.

I created the week calendar for the wiki using OpenOffice. Saved as html and copy pasted the contents of the html file to http://bmanolov.free.fr/html2wiki-tables.php#wiki. This created a lot of chaff though (IIRC, all formatting was saved individually for each cell and there were some completely unnecessary tidbits I removed manually), and the resulting wikicode is hard to read.

Can't remember if I've used this method for another table that doesn't change bg color in the middle of rows/columns, so don't know how it handles such tables. For such, I might just use a simpler widget like the Copy and Paste Excel-to-Wiki Converter and add colors etc. manually afterwards.

There's also a VBA-Macro for EXCEL table conversion, but I haven't played with that. (Haven't had excel in years)

See also:
Wikipedia's tool page
Wikimedia Commons: Convert tables and charts to wiki code or image files

After some experiments I do this: paste excel table to .rtf in word, sometimes i have to resize rows and columns because pasted table has not the same size as in excel, then i save this as filtered html. There's no need to convert html to wiki - at least not on http://unrealworld.wikia.com, where i updated Cultures 2 days ago for version 3.30.


--- Quote from: tedomedo on August 06, 2017, 10:56:41 AM ---After some experiments I do this: paste excel table to .rtf in word, sometimes i have to resize rows and columns because pasted table has not the same size as in excel, then i save this as filtered html. There's no need to convert html to wiki - at least not on http://unrealworld.wikia.com, where i updated Cultures 2 days ago for version 3.30.

--- End quote ---

@tedomedo do you by any chance have those tables for 3.4 too? I would be curious to see if the stats distribution has changed.

EDIT: also there's something strange with the first table (at least). Some of the "top" numbers are lower than the "average" numbers, which is impossible. Eg, Owl supposedly had a "top strength" of 3? That's probably a mistake but there are a few in there.

top = the best found profile  (not the best found individual attribute)

The best profile i was able to find for Owl-Tribe has strength 3. Sum of all attributes for this best profile is 172. If you divide 172 by amount of all attributes (11), you get average, which is 15.6  (in my language we use , for decimals) and that's what you see in row Average.

Sami the Boss says that 3.4 has the same skills and attributes relations as 3.3.


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