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Why does the stupid throwaway characters live the longest? Hey all,

Anyone else find this?

You create a character carefully, choosing a play style, a back story, desires and personality. You research the perfect Finnish name... And go into the world and.... Died at 16 winters old, having spent 30 days of adventuring life. Lucky Robbers or bear or wolf...

Meanwhile Potaaaaaaaato man is currently random build and living his best life of 3 years+.


June 16, 2020, 11:24:16 AM
Re: Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1) I take everything back and claim the opposite. The Njerp is eaten as intended.
Didnt know that there is a vegan dog mode :D But truely the dog of my grandma was crazy for raw potatoes ..

June 16, 2020, 06:41:33 PM
Re: Why does the stupid throwaway characters live the longest? I was listing them as joke examples.

I had died from robbers because my character had all their tools stolen and I starved to death in winter before I could find a village to replace them or any big game also from having poor healing; bleeding wounds which I couldn't staunch.

I die mostly from starvation, I don't min max characters and I play like they would with their skills. A Drik would be craftier at trading than a Owl Tribe. So I tend to let those characters make a better deal with items. An Owl Tribe may over pay for items. "That was generous." Yes it makes the game harder and I am choosing to make it so but I think it builds a better story. It balances out, the others all have their areas of expertise. 

Eastern Tribes who see Njepz rarely, will stumble on them thinking they are friendly. Intending to ask the way to village or trade. Only for the first couple of time then that character learns.

I have even refused to build houses or types traps until I am a certain skill level or friendliness to a Village. It is a case of "being taught the ways". Again, I did suggest having this in game and Sami agreed; I do not think a Drik 16 year old maid would know how to build a home.

I ask you guys to try it. Don't min max. Build a character on random, make stupid decisions and amazing stories! Share them below! 

June 16, 2020, 11:33:30 PM
Re: Why does the stupid throwaway characters live the longest? TomH:

Yep I can imagine a lonely lad, far from home and trying to survive and learn skills.

You could always ask a hunter and pay for him to take you hunting with him to learn and get animals like reindeer.

I wish village interactions was worked on sooner, very rarely do you not end up meeting the villages and NPCs in game and it would change the early, mid and end game so much.

Asking if they have any chores they want doing? Maybe the reward is lesser but still you can do work every 3-5 days for the sage or villagers and get odd cuts. Maybe you could have seasonal jobs like: prepare the fields, plant seeds and harvest and thresh. You get a lunch of a rye bread and loaned tools. After you do, you get some reward. Sageless villages can ask you to try to heal a NPC.

In return to balance out the positives maybe if the spirits are unhappy with you: Murder etc. Then the local sage deems you cursed and no one will hire you/help you.

June 18, 2020, 09:29:12 AM
Re: A Hunting Goshawk I did steal that mallard, made a free and easy lunch for a struggling Trapper.

Shame there is no falconry.

June 18, 2020, 03:36:06 PM
Re: A Hunting Goshawk That is such good idea falconry...
June 19, 2020, 02:40:42 PM
Re: Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1)
I take everything back and claim the opposite. The Njerp is eaten as intended.
Didnt know that there is a vegan dog mode :D But truely the dog of my grandma was crazy for raw potatoes ..
haha that was a joke!
I should have added a smiley to the end   :)

June 23, 2020, 12:25:37 AM
Re: Is reindeer ranching feasible? Breeding animals hasn't been implemented yet, nor do reindeer provide milk. Only sheep and cows can be milked during the summer period.
June 23, 2020, 05:39:31 AM
Re: Reversing permadeath caused by my fat fingers?
Yea, I don't understand why this game decided to build in a suicide command.

 Since files are changed as you play (as time passes) when you close a character, the files have most likely been changed from the point of loading. If you choose to not save "make consistent save" the file data must be abandoned.

No it doesn't.  You can just abandon the changes.

 That is not correct. Changes are made to the data files as time passes, No copy of the original data is stored 'aside' and thus "You can just abandon the changes" and thus delete the files aka suicide.

June 23, 2020, 06:01:15 AM
Re: Kota My guess, without having built a kota for years, is that you've made it too small so it actually only has a single tile of space in it. If possibly try to compare your kota with the ones in the game and see if yours are smaller (you might start a new character in an easy start up in the north and walk to the nearest village).
June 23, 2020, 11:17:56 PM