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Drawings of my travels in UnReal. HI,

I didn't know where or how to post this, so it's going here.

Last Inktober 2016 I did a series of drawings, and from the 16th October to the 23rd they are inspired by UnReal World and a few characters I was playing with then.

Please feel free to comment and discuss.



June 08, 2017, 05:23:09 PM
Re: Mik So far, Mik has been hunting with only a Juniper bow and a stone-tipped spear.
On other trips, he has seen a glutton and killed a badger.
This day he encounters a bear...

And manages with some luck to kill it with his spear.
Mik is becoming quite the hunter, and has made many friends in the settlement.
The Owl people enjoy trading goods with Mik for all the meat he provides them.

August 19, 2017, 04:17:10 PM
Re: Mik Many weeks have passed and Mik has made many hunting trips and continued working around his homestead, but he is still passing nights in the shelter because his kota is not complete yet. Winter has begun but there is no snow yet and nights are not too cold for his shelter because he still has the precious, warm stag fur.

He decides to go trading to obtain the last 3 furs he needs to finish his kota. So he packs up some of the equipment he has taken from his vanquished enemies and sets off toward a village.

It is early morning and the air is crisply cold, but the light is still dim. Mik is fortunate that he is alert because he sees a sleeping figure. He quietly puts down his load and draws an arrow to his bow, then begins sneaking forward. An easy kill, surely, and he can make out the foreign costume of the Njerpezit.

Mik's first arrow bounces off the man's leg armor and the man cries out, jumping up and draws a knife.

Mik quickly drops his bow and clutches his shield and mace. The fight commences and Mik's confidence soon wanes as he realizes this enemy is an expert fighter. Both score multiple hits and Mik is grateful for his shield's protection, but he has taken many knife wounds by the time he finally knocks the Njerpez unconscious with a blow from his mace, then smashes his skull. Mik is close to death himself and can no longer walk.

Mik is very lucky that none of the wounds struck deep or hit any vital organs or major blood vessels. He manages to crawl to the safety of home.

(I've never had a character wounded to 98% before... this was scary!)

August 26, 2017, 04:00:03 AM
Re: Mik None of Mik's wounds were deep or serious and so he's feeling better each day.
He has finished building the kota and is crafting items & practicing his weapon skills.

In the meantime, let me share Mik's world in pictures.

September 09, 2017, 11:47:43 PM
Poems of the Fallen Will post these whenever I get inspiration. Some refer to actual characters/character deaths I've had, some are more general.


The spirits of autumn sang gently on the rain
Easing my worries and easing my pain
But ache and exhaustion had settled bone-deep
So to autumn's sweet lullaby fell I asleep

As I slept under open sky did sweet autumn me forsake
For it was harsh winter spirits that drove me awake;
Icy spirits whistling on a cold windy night
left a thin blanket of snow on open mire wide

Shivering and confused stumbled I 'round in a daze
Unsure where I had been going, where from I came
Confused and shivering in this unfamiliar place
Could I barely remember my people and name

Lost and forsaken in cold winter's lands
Bare were my feet and bare were my hands
So as I shivered and stumbled through open mire vast
In my heart I knew this morning would be my last

October 01, 2017, 08:11:37 AM
Re: Mik Feeling completely recovered from his knife wounds, Mik decides to travel south with his 3 best hides to do some exploring and trading. Snow is falling and the weather is making him wish he had dressed a bit warmer, but it is bearable and he's optimistic.

He wanders south and finds large lakes, now with some ice on their surfaces. There are some peaks to climb that give good vantage points to spot game, someone to trade with, or enemies. Exhausted, he builds a shelter to sleep without ending up covered with snow in the morning.

Next day he continues his travels and finds a herd of deer. He drops most of his equipment, selects a fine broadhead arrow and sneaks forward... he looses and the arrow wings toward a large deer, burying itself deep in it's haunch. The deer is startled and tries to run off, but is limping. Mike runs to the chase and eventually catches it.

He carries the skin and meat to a lakeshore several hundred yards away, builds a shelter, and proceeds to tan the skin and hang the meat up to dry using split spruce twigs.

October 01, 2017, 08:30:24 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen That is awesome. You've inspired me.

Killing livestock, I'm in too deep,
While unconscious, kicked by a sheep.

October 02, 2017, 01:38:19 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Drowning

Ominous cracking heard a second too late
Far out from the shore with my mind on a kill
But the ice could no longer hold up my weight
Just as the forest reindeer finally lay still

Breathless was I from chasing after my prey
Across two miles of forest and a mile of ice
I had forgotten what my old man would say
My mind had been on nothing but the bloody prize

But 't was not a bloody prize but a price I would pay
"It offends the spirits to bloody the ice in early spring--"
I heard dad's voice in my mind as I felt my strength sway
"--and 'tis surely your death the spirits will bring."

(Yeah, that happened, a few characters back. Just as the damn reindeer died, it became morning, the ice grew weak and I fell through. And drowned.)

October 02, 2017, 03:37:21 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Njerpez fallen

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez do I mean
Hanging 'round my island's outskirts
Unaware that he'd been seen

So I took my fine broadhead
and my longbow in my hands
By nightfall would he be dead
His stain cleansed off my lands

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez did I mean
He bled out on the frozen dirt
Where he's ever since been

October 03, 2017, 07:02:40 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen The (not-so-)sage

Once I believed a sage had to be wise
then I saw this fool standing on rather thin ice
The ice broke and so fell he straight in
Got frozen and soaked right down to his skin

The bitter cold addled his quite feeble brain
And he got so tired he could have slept in the rain
Tired enough that on that spot fell he asleep
And drowned in a puddle barely three inches deep.

October 05, 2017, 02:09:11 AM