Topic: [DEVELOPMENT RELOCATED] Brygun's Added Items  (Read 74219 times)


« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2018, 05:42:50 PM »
I'll have to test that and see how it goes. It's weird because they are derived from "Cord" so it shouldn't matter what it's called.

As for the finnish punt, it can hold 44 logs and still be usable (45 logs = 18000 lbs = 200 × WEIGHT) but for some reason it couldn't carry all my loot (weapons and tools) from my test run trading through Driik. I had to carry the bags of salt to be able to row, but that doesn't explain how it was overloaded... it surely wasn't at 18000lbs already. Any idea what causes such overloading? Is there an item limit?

Perhaps the game lets trunks or logs be easier to carry on a watercraft to simulate towing wood?

I'll try to test an inferior vs a fine finnish punt for any difference in carrying capacity. I'll also try to measure the carrying capacity in bags of salt or raw pikes for a more precise value. Also, Brygun, there's an extra space between "name:" and "finnish punt".


« Reply #76 on: December 23, 2018, 05:57:58 PM »
Yeah, I just tested it and both "cord" and "Cord" work as "Tying equipment" so the problem was most likely something else I tweaked. I'll keep playing around with it and see if I can figure out what went, right.


« Reply #77 on: December 24, 2018, 02:32:22 AM »
Thanks for everyone testing and word checking.

Finnish punt extra space in name removed, thank you

Right now AFAIK I have no control over the weight the boats can carry. AFAIK it is factor Y times the weight of the craft. Hence I designed the different tiered punts to also stage their final weight.

There is some # item limits in regards of avoiding other glitches. So that might explain the bag thing.

Clinkered punt still undergoing revisions.


« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2018, 02:37:17 AM »
On cord

{* cord} which is in some steps must find the phrase cord in name

{Cord} is any item with the base object cord

The trend in thinking is to do things like

Split spruce twig {Cord} can hang meat but NOT be used in better crafting like sewing the canoe

Cord (vanilla) meets {* cord} and {Cord} can be used in the more advanced crafting

Birch-bark cord {* cord} and {Cord} can be used in the more advanced crafting

Sexy string will only match {Cord} recipe calls

Ill have to check what the source in Bouidda is.

Do you remember what specific object name you were trying to use


« Reply #79 on: December 24, 2018, 02:48:47 AM »
Update for watercraft

Splitting logs into quarters now has a half log step. This may be useful to later recipes or for roleplaying an outdoor bench. You make a half log then twice make those into quarter logs. Then can make each into short quarter logs. Those then used for bows or axe hafts

Birch-bark steps no longer use {* cord} all now {Tying equipment}. The first use is tying frame together which doesn't need quality. Later sewing should be better quality but then you are covering the stitch in glue anyway.

Finnish punt has extra space in name removed

Clinker punt

Final build weight now 260

Caulking strakes now part of clinkering

Clinker caulking material represented as 1 x Branch more just as a teaching step that some form of material should be there. Many sources or types of plants could be used. I think this is a simple way to get the point across.

Painting hull now part of the step installing ribs


I think clinker punt could be tested.
You might want to use short cuts to get tools.  Below are tester cheat sets without the full properties. As the game recipes just look for names and base type these should do for testing.

.Adze axe. "Carving Axe" /1/
{Rock} '+freebie for testing'

.Drawing knife. "Knife" /1/
{Rock} '+freebie for testing'

.Iron hammer. "Mace" /1/
{Rock} '+freebie for testing'

.Iron nails. "Hunting Horn" /1/
{Rock} '+freebie for testing'
[PRICE: 20]

and so on

(zip file removed as an error was promptly reported. fixed file in a new post)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 03:37:53 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #80 on: December 24, 2018, 03:24:55 AM »
.Quarter log. is using {Log} as input, rather than a {Half log}. I think it's a pasting error because the comment is the same, about splitting into quarters.

Wait... maybe you just forgot to make it create 4 items rather than 2 on the quarter log?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 03:26:29 AM by Signatus »


« Reply #81 on: December 24, 2018, 03:30:13 AM »



« Reply #82 on: December 24, 2018, 03:44:05 AM »
Quick update

Quarter log now properly comes from a half log

Radial board added. This is just splitting a quarter log lengthwise to make board like pieces. In the base game stone axes had trouble making boards due to "takes too long". Now the process is broken into half log -> quarter log -> radial board so the stone axe user can get to boards.

Note the short quarter logs now use base object "Block" so no longer count as boards. No need to duplicate that feature. The short section might not match board intents anyway. It certainly is meant as you might use a block for big carving.


a quick reupload done to also fix the half log/quarter log text


another quick change coming so a new zip
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 03:49:56 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #83 on: December 24, 2018, 03:54:44 AM »
Clinkered punt steps for adding the strakes changes {* board} for specifically {Radial board} which is now part of the mod.

Radial boards have better structural properties with how the growth rings go through them and how they are split along natural fiber lines. This is desirable in the ships. This is consistent with the drawings for real builds I've seen.

I am assuming that the vanilla boards are more done for maximum area coverage for houses etc and not necessarily for maximizing the strength the way radial boards do.


« Reply #84 on: December 24, 2018, 10:35:22 PM »
Started some clean up and prep for merging the original Brygun_Add items

The zip file is given the 010 version number to coincide with the recent Watercraft version.

Brygun_add had some name adjustments to only capitalize the first word. I think and hope this shouldn't cause any problems.

This one includes the plans for wooden storage containers up to barrel size.


« Reply #85 on: December 24, 2018, 10:48:27 PM »
Here I am presenting goals for the mod work.

Short term:
Confirm watercraft is working including the clinkered punt

Biy (build it yourself) updates to use barrels from my wood containers

Biy attempt alternate names for rain barrels for water to see if they can work that way


Mid term:
Merge content into one set of files , like Signatus had started doing.

This includes removing and editing the source Bouidda files (e.g. the bows now shouldnt call for split logs but short quarter logs). There is also Privateer's fish cuts (edited on time and possibly which menu it is in) and Fataal's hardtack.

Njerpez cookery is sounding well recommended though I haven't used it yet.

method for making and mending Lamellar armor,
Lamellar IMHO is steel billets made into plates mounted on leather. (Erkka or Sami can you confirm this?)

Method for making and mending iron armor including helmets
Tools to require ball hammer


Long term:

method for making and mending chain mail armor,
Chain armor being riveted. Wire would need to be made. I dont think we need a rivets item and just account for rivets as coming from the wire.
chain armor tools to include "Draw block", "Iron wire", "Pliers" x 2, "Iron cutters", "Rivet set" (from a rock).

Possibly introduce an iron anvil for producing better goods or bonus in production. Easiest method is to have iron anvil a big skill bonus to come out as fine or materwork vs the stone anvil rough or decent.
Would require adjusting all {* anvil} recipes to remove the [noquality] tag on anvil lines

Inspect and possibly integrate Privateer's mod for improving weapon skills with the dummies. I have mixed views on killing folks for parts.


« Reply #86 on: December 24, 2018, 11:58:18 PM »
Sounds good looking forward to it!!!

JEB Davis

« Reply #87 on: December 25, 2018, 01:09:29 AM »
In case you have not seen the mod for salvaging lamellar scales from enemy armor, here it is.
When I changed the original, it is noted.
Assuming lamellar scales are sewn onto leather backing, I recommend adding the appropriate leather garment into the recipes... not sure why I didn't think of that long ago and add them.

// JEB included 2018-01-03
//        for UrW 3.50
// JEB's modifications noted below.
// Credit for this mod is not mine, it was found on the old forum.


.Lamellar Piece.    "Rock" [effort:0] *COMMON* /2/ [noquality] [patch:10]
{*lamellar*} #0.2# [remove] [patchwise]
// JEB: added [PRICE:0], added [TYPE:valuable]

.Lamellar Hauberk. "Lamellar Hauberk" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /300/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (175) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #3.5# [remove]

.Lamellar Cuirass. "Lamellar Cuirass" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /240/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (75) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #1.5# [remove]

.Lamellar Forearm Guards. "Lamellar Forearm Guards" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /80/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (20) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #0.4# [remove]
// JEB: changed to %-30% like all the others, was %-15%

.Lamellar Shin Guards. "Lamellar Shin Guards" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /80/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (45) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #0.9# [remove]
// JEB: changed to %-30% like all the others, was %-15%

.Lamellar Rerebraces. "Lamellar Rerebraces" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /60/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (25) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #0.5# [remove]
// JEB: changed to %-30% like all the others, was %-15%

.Long Lamellar Hauberk. "Lamellar Hauberk" *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-30% /360/ |-1|
{Lamellar Piece} (190) [remove]
{Tying equipment} #3.8# [remove]



« Reply #88 on: December 25, 2018, 02:58:23 AM »
Lamellar armour consists of small platelets known as "lamellae" or "lames", which are punched and laced together, typically in horizontal rows. Lamellae can be made of metal, leather cuir bouilli, horn, stone, bone or more exotic substances. Unlike scale armour, which it resembles, lamellar armour is not attached to a cloth or leather backing (although it is typically worn over a padded undergarment).

I just wanted to point this out from wikipedia, because you seem to be making the wrong assumption. It's essentially something like {* plates} and {* cord}.

JEB Davis

« Reply #89 on: December 25, 2018, 03:06:08 AM »
Lamellar armour consists of small platelets known as "lamellae" or "lames", which are punched and laced together, typically in horizontal rows. Lamellae can be made of metal, leather cuir bouilli, horn, stone, bone or more exotic substances. Unlike scale armour, which it resembles, lamellar armour is not attached to a cloth or leather backing (although it is typically worn over a padded undergarment).

I just wanted to point this out from wikipedia, because you seem to be making the wrong assumption. It's essentially something like {* plates} and {* cord}.
I stand corrected, thank you Signatus... and I knew better actually *duh*.