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Re: Does cooking with a quality pot have any benefits? I found out today that the highest pot quality is "beautiful" which nicely implies that it's only an aesthetic choice. (I bought it.)
January 17, 2020, 10:31:54 PM
Flooding I live near a river and every spring the water level rises quite high, it would flood if we hadn't built such a high bank around it. If it doesn't rain for a while, the water level drops.

It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground. Valleys between mountains would also flood suddenly if there was a lot of rain.

January 19, 2020, 11:40:11 PM
Re: [Info] [3.61] Cheat Engine Addresses
Quick question. What are these:
urw.exe+01B0BA0 - Start Location X   Values:0 - 3071 (Map X Max)
urw.exe+01B0BA4 - Start Location Y   Values:0 - 2047 (Map Y Max)

Current location is where you are now, but I don't understand what these are. Thank you

During character creation, these represent where your character will be placed in the world prior to entering the world. Afterwards they are set to 1024 and are unused as far as I can tell.

January 26, 2020, 03:38:04 PM
Re: In the forest cover quest: tracks in the ice and locked out of wilderness map This seems to happen everytime. Animals in the forest cover just doesn't want to follow the player onto zoomed out map.
It's not about terrain, but adding NPC animal ownership (dogs for wandering NPCs) seem to have messed up things here.
Luckily I've managed to narrow things down to point where fix is just around the corner.

January 27, 2020, 08:44:15 PM
[WIP] Night's GFX Overhaul Started doing a GFX overhaul, just thought I'd share a screenshot of my progress (maybe more later) and get some feedback ^^.

January 29, 2020, 10:59:29 AM
Re: Axes and hatchets
Do you purchase the wood in the video? Or do you chop it yourself? Do you need a license for cutting wood?

In Finland most of the woodlands are privately owned. And a forest owner doesn't need a special license to cut down trees in one's own woodlands. Yet, some level or regulation and bureaucracy does apply, but that is more like filing a yearly report of how much timber one has taken for private use.

That is the general situation, considering the way the society and legislation works in Finland. But personally I don't own any woodlands, I only have a small patch of yard. So the logs I'm carving in that video are storm-felled trees from neighbour's forest. The forest owner gave them for me for free, as they were afraid that if the fallen trees are left to rot in the forest bed that will boost insect and fungi which will then spread to nearby trees killing them.

Was thinking about a small cabin, I don't have the skills to build it, tho your videos make it look easy

I think the basics of builing a log cabin are pretty simple if one has the basic skills of handling an axe. But to really make it tight and winter-proof, that requires some experience and advanced skills, I think.

January 31, 2020, 11:59:45 AM
Re: New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things Currently attempting to create this with more realistic functionality, had a question for anyone interested in using this mod when I complete it, as I'm pondering ways to "open" the chest, just in terms of user-friendly operating. One idea I had was to have a craftable item called "Open Container", this would activate my mod when crafted into the inventory, opening up the container's UI.

I could also, implement it as a hotkey (will probably do this by default) but, I'm wondering what other peoples opinions are. If I use crafting as the opening action, it would allow you to modify the time it takes to open containers, possibly more.

Oh also, this should allow anyone else who wants to make "container mods" to do so, as ill be implementing some custom options for changing container UI and settings.

Edit: after many hours I have made significant progress, but haven't completed it yet. May be awhile before I release as I'm leaving sunday, we'll see though. I was hoping to take my projects with me.

February 01, 2020, 10:34:11 AM
Re: New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things
One main issue in dealing with containers is urw treats all contents as fluid, any defining separation of items lost.

 Closest I ever got in-game was arrow quivers.

I am inter-oping with C# and memory editing to store the data outside of the game. I'm using some mod files to control the UI and container creation, still pondering what would be required to safely delete a container once I've created it though, maybe require that its emptied first, otherwise item loss can occur. Here is my current progress with the official modding syntax:

Code: [Select]

.New Container. "Hunting horn" *CARPENTRY* /1/ [EFFORT:1] [PHYS:hands] [noquality]
{Knife} <Small knife> [noquality]

.New Worn Container. "Hunting horn" *CARPENTRY* /1/ [EFFORT:1] [PHYS:hands] [noquality]
{Knife} <Small knife> [noquality]

.Open Container. "Hunting horn" (1) /.1/ [PHYS:hands] [no quality]
{Container} [ground] +'Nearby Containers'

.Place Container. "Hunting horn" (1) /.1/ \1h\ [PHYS:hands] [no quality]
{(C)*} (1) +'Container to be placed' [remove]

.Wear Container. "Hunting horn" (1) /.1/ [PHYS:hands] [no quality]  ///// Not Currently Complete
{(W)*} (1) +'Container to be worn' [remove]

.Takeoff Container. "Hunting horn" (1) /.1/ [PHYS:hands] [no quality] //// Not Currently Complete
{(W)*} (1) +'Container to be worn' [remove]


When creating a new container to be used by the engine, the player will use the crafting system to activate when the container created is to be modified and tracked for the engines use... So this would look something like....

Step 1. Craft Container
Step 2. Place/Wear Container using crafting mod

Step 3. C# Mod reads "Place" or "Wear" item created from crafting mod, then modifies this items details to match the designated container. In addition, certain memory that is not used by containers normally will be used to insert an ID that the engine will use to identify that specific container.

Step 4. C# Mod stores the containers real ID and new ID into dictionaries along with information on what item ID's are stored in the container and their quantities. From this, additional properties may be applied in updated versions by taking the ID's and reading the game's item struct for their data, then calculating things such as, how much weight the current container has. This will also be an essential component for interacting w/ and displaying information on the C# UI.

Step 5. C# Mod saves containers data to a readable file, under the current characters file directory. Containers will be saved in a "Containers" folder. The files in the containers folder will relate to each individual container by the unique ID and XY overworld and localworld co-ordinates for location tracking down to the tile. The file name will look like this: "(ID)[x, y|x, y] ItemName.cont". Contained within this file will be data related to the real item ID's for the stored items and their quantities.

Step 6. C# Mod handles loading of containers and condition handling to stop potential bugs from occurring by user error.

Step 7. When "Place" or "Wear" is overwritten in the game's data, and when a new "Place" or "Wear" item is created, it will create a new entry in the players known item struct, allowing new containers to overwrite and repeat.

Step 8. .... many more possible steps I'm missing, but this is the general concept I am shooting for.

This should also allow people to create their own containers that the engine can use, I'm not sure what effects different properties of the crafting system will have. I do know you can insert variables for the crafting system to use via Carb Water Fat and Protein, despite the item not being marked as something that can use these, the data will still be written to where these would be used, and therefor can be used by the engine as user-based input.

Currently, creating your own container looks like this:
.New Container. "Hunting horn"   *CARPENTRY*   /1/   [EFFORT:1]   [PHYS:hands] [noquality]
{Knife}   <Small knife> [noquality]

I'm sure some things could be removed/modified here that aren't needed, but the important thing is the name starts with the engines syntax for identifying containers, (C) represents a container that is placed on the ground, (W) represents a container that can be worn. When the engine identifies a new container has been created via "Place" or "Wear" crafting, it will take the identified container (via looping through the players inventory and detecting which object has decreased in quantity) and copy its data over to the newly created "Place" or "Wear" item, and then mark it for the engine. It will also, remove the (C) or (W) from the containers name, as it is now an active container used by the engine.

I have some additional ideas down the road, but this is as far as I have gotten in concept and code.

If you are interested in the C# source, here is a pastebin link:

It will expire in 24 hours, complete source may or may not be released when finished.

February 01, 2020, 09:16:21 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
When will we have this please?

 Given content from recent update(s); adding companion tasks, adding companion 'effort' help etc. I'd guess the stage is being built and set.

February 02, 2020, 08:17:46 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority Sami- I'm already 70 years of age, so, if you do add marriage eventually but I've died of old age, it's a comfort to know that Steam will automatically update my game for me. On the downside...(hehehe)
February 02, 2020, 10:13:20 PM