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Messages - Bert Preast

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Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:43:51 AM »
You always have a shot... but you have to take it well to survive.

I was starving and freezing but I got lucky, an elk in a snowstorm with just a rock.  Read about it here:

So keep trying.  If you die, follow my hunter's guide with your next Finn, and you should find things much less frustrating  8)

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:14:07 AM »
If you were good at fishing, I would suggest fishing - but you've already said you are not good at fishing.

Trapping will take too long to set up a decent fence, you will likely starve before you get anything.

Farming is the same, it takes time to work.

Villages have food, and will trade it for almost anything.  This is the easy way to survive.  Make something, and trade it for a few cuts of food.

Otherwise, you must hunt or die.  Make a couple of javelins and head for open or pine mires.  Zoom in now and then, and look around.  Animals are there and with patience you can get one!

EDIT:  I forgot to say, you're not doing anything wrong.  Struggling to survive is the best bit of the game  :)

Development News / Re: Version 3.80 (beta) released
« on: April 27, 2023, 10:55:20 PM »
Maybe not bricks, but wattle and daub was surely a thing?  Maybe a fence, water, some dung, and some dried nettles could make a weatherproof but not large inquisitive animal proof wall?

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 27, 2023, 10:51:31 PM »
Sometimes we starve to death or succumb to the cold.  Happens to the best of us. 

Keep fighting while you can though, tomorrow you may get a lucky throw on an elk and cripple it.  Where there's hope...   :D

I build trap fences across bottlenecks between lakes or over peninsulas.  It sounds like you need food badly though, and traps are unlikely to get you it.  Go hunting.  Use javelins or rocks, or a bow if you have one.  Be persistent.  Never give up!

General Discussion / Re: Three years in the Unreal World
« on: April 27, 2023, 07:05:09 PM »
I conquered the environment in the first year, even though I only permitted myself stone and wood tools and weapons.  I used some mod made by some bloke, By Gum, I think his name was.  Or something like that, anyway! 

The BAC mod allowed me to make boards, albeit by a rather arduous process.  With much hard work and patience, I was able to make a cellar and a small cabin, both of which were invaluable.  I even managed to stock the cellar a bit, despite stone knives wasting some three quarters of the meat from each kill.

I usually get bored and restart by this stage too, but this Finn was the best I have ever rolled so I decided that for the second year I would trade for some good tools, build a large cabin and explore the metalworking options in the mod.  This kept me interested.

The third year I decided to destroy the Njerps, which I think is now done - though I keep finding camps here and there so I may be wrong.  My plan now is to wall up my substantial quantities of loot and my animals, then go back to nature.  Start all over somewhere around the lakes and marshes north of the former Njerp lands, naked and with nothing.  Eschew all human contact, and see if I can go from a stone knife and axe to making a forge and smithing my own tools and weapons.  I think it is possible to do, so am giving it a shot.

EDIT:  Having gone naked with nothing into the wilderness, just over two months later I have managed to produce a handaxe!  Buoidda did a fantastic job making sure that everything needed for metalwork can be crafted by a player starting with nothing.  For anyone who fancies trying it - you need patience.  Splitting firewood from a block with a stone axe can take over 10 hours for 20 firewood, and that's with master level timbercraft skill!  Now to forge my own broadknife, then build a cabin before winter comes again...   

Happy to hear you're on the mend.  It's good to see you BAC!

General Discussion / Three years in the Unreal World
« on: April 26, 2023, 09:21:21 PM »
For the first time, I have a character who has completed 1095 days without dying!  Three years!  To celebrate, I am buying everyone a barrel of kotikalja posting about it here.  My iron-age Finn is a Kaumo, and at 191cm and 101kgs an absolute unit.  He's great at everything, although a little bit deaf.  Three stars for every skill, and over three years they have developed like this:

Lore & Craft Skills

Agriculture   00%   17%  Seems to be only sowing that raises this.
Building           15%   42%  Built 3 cabins and a lot of fences!
Cookery      60%   93%  A mix of all cooking styles.
Herblore           30%   98%  Quite a bit of grinding involved here!
Fishing      60%   60%  Hardly done any fishing so no surprise.
Hideworking   90% 100% Lots of skins and furs tanned.
Timbercraft   15%   92%  See above about building cabins and fences.
Physician           75%   78%  Lots of wounds healed, on dogs and allies too.
Trapping           80%   83%  Traps only used to protect homes and crops.
Tracking           70%   99%  Includes 20% from game course.
Weatherlore   00%   46%  Grind, grind, and more grind!
Textilecraft   80%   84%  Lots of repairing looted clothing.
Carpentry           85%   88%  Making stuff.  Lots of stuff.

Physical Skills

Skiing      30%   100% Skiing on zoomed in map raises this faster.
Stealth      60%   100% Practise this around trapped birds etc..
Climbing           15%   100% Climb fences.  Lots of fences.
Swimming           00%   100% Careful here, cold or fatigue will drown you.

Combat Skills

Dodge      75%   81%  Try to find an angry badger to help with this.
Shield      00%   00%  I use a bow or a battleaxe.
Knife              35%   38%  A guy lost in the forest gifted me the rise.
Sword      00%   00%  Axes FTW.
Club              95%   96%  Lobbing rocks at squirrels.
Axe              95%   99%  Good at slicing people and bonking animals.
Flail              00%   00%  Silly weapon.
Spear      90%   91%  Great weapon until you get a good bow.
Bow              85%   100% Masterwork longbow.  It's like having a rifle.
Crossbow           00%   00%  Never seen the point.
Unarmed      30%   36%  Kicking trapped birds in the head.

I started in summer as hurt, helpless and afraid, as far to the north east as I could get.  The first year was as a hermit on the far north eastern coast, using only stone and wood for weapons and tools.  Furs and leather are not enough for a winter up there, I was going hypothermic and getting frostbite all the time.  I decided for the second year to return to civilisation, and get myself some nice warm woolly undies.  I built a cabin between two large marshes, and hunted and traded.  The third year has been dedicated to expunging the scourge of the Njerps, and thus far it's going very well.  I've destroyed all their villages, but I am still finding camps of warriors.

EDIT:  Apologies for the formatting, I have tried and failed to fix it

Gameplay questions / Re: Agriculture Harvest
« on: April 26, 2023, 08:56:54 PM »
Originally the game left harvested crops on the ground.  It was changed recently to give the option to put them directly into the inventory, as farmers were complaining of massive RSI!

EDIT:  If you want an easy introduction to the game, you may want to look at my "Guide for the aspiring hunter" in the Guides & Tutorials forum here:

It's a bit powergamey I know, but it will teach most of the game and give you confidence to try a harder start the next time!

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 08:55:40 PM »
Look for fords to cross rivers, if it's cold then prepare to build a fire to warm you when you reach the other bank.  Take along 3 branches or twigs.  Don't take more if, as with some fords, you have to swim - the extra weight can drown you!

Some lakes are massive, others you can easily go around.

Suggestions / Re: Returning features from earlier versions
« on: April 26, 2023, 07:59:18 PM »
Yes, Njerps were made much rarer in the west a couple of updates back, after complaints by myself and others.  The argument was that if you were a fighter type and able to defeat Njerps, then their loot made the game too easy.  And if you were not a fighter type, then Njerps made the game too hard.  Nowadays if you want to bump into Njerps now and then, settle in the east - and if you don't want them around, go west.

Yes; I don't get to go on business trips but I do play drunk quite a lot, and it's a bugger remembering what was going on when I next load the save!  The quest log could be a lot more useful than it is.

I remember Sami removed the old SHIFT+L message log because he said nobody used it.  I did!  It was my only way of knowing when I had put my nets out  :(

Suggestions / Re: Returning features from earlier versions
« on: April 26, 2023, 07:01:19 PM »
URW 2.8 was before my time, but I was considering suggesting that sheep should occasionally be found in the wilderness.  It would give hermit style players a chance to get some wool, as well as adding a little more variety.

You can still raid Njerpez camps and villages, and still die doing it!  You need to head for Njerpez, Kaumo or Reemi lands, as that's where they are mostly located these days.

Oh, and please, for the love of God, don't encourage Sami and Erkka to make any more music!   ;D

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 06:53:48 PM »
Don't settle too close to a village, or they may consider your stuff as belonging to them - after all, it's on their lands!

I think having at lest three overland tiles between you and the village is considered safe, but I usually settle a lot further away than that.

If you need a paddle and the village has an axe in it somewhere, you can drag a tree to the axe then make boards and a paddle without picking up the axe.  This should not anger the villagers.

Gameplay questions / Re: Agriculture Harvest
« on: April 26, 2023, 06:50:28 PM »
Harvest down leaves the crop on the ground, harvest and pick puts the crop into your inventory.  So using harvest and pick is quicker!

Gameplay questions / Re: Does snow depth effect npcs combat abilities?
« on: April 26, 2023, 06:20:24 PM »
I'm just completing the eradication of the Njerps, and there are a LOT of camps!  Sometimes one or two Njerps can be found wandering close to the camps, and I think that killing these reduces the number of Njerps in the camp.  I killed two the other day, then hit the nearby camp and was surprised to find only three or four Njerps in it.  It's much easier to take them out in ones or twos than taking on ten at a time, so I always bump any wandering Njerps I see.

Something odd happened last night as I explored, looking for any camps I had overlooked.  I saw the purple circle of one on the F6 map; but continued on my way, planning to deal with it on my way back.  A couple of days passed, and now I am on my way back I see the purple circle is gone!  Perhaps a bear or some wolves, or even some robbers took them out?  I've never noticed one just disappear before.  I think I remember where it was and plan to investigate this evening.

EDIT:  On reloading, the purple circle reappeared, and there is indeed a camp within it!

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