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Pine Bark Eating Hello! Coming back to the game after a few years, and I'm loving reading about the changes.

Recently I was watching a wilderness survival video (actually, URW got me hooked into this wilderness living thing), and the person was teaching about pine bark eating and pine bark flour used to mix with other food or baked into breads. The actual part that is used is a thin white layer called phloem.

Upon researching the subject, I found many sources claiming that the Sámi used to eat pine bark and make pine bark flour and bread as a source of food and calories.

Pine bark is actually quite caloric and sustaining, and was used by Scandinavian and North American natives, with some reports that some natives used pine bark as a staple food.

Pine bark has around 500-600 calories per 1 pound (0.45 kg), and is rich in vitamin C and other elements.

Any thoughts on adding pine bark as a source of food, since, as per my (rather shallow) research, it was very common among the Sámi?

I tried searching the forum but could not find any discussions on this subject.

Some sources:


September 08, 2023, 03:00:53 AM