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Springs Yes, it's springtime! (pun intended)
We'll be adding springs, water sources bringing groundwater to the surface, in the terrain generation. Springs can be found at varying environments on zoomed-in maps.
A spring found in the wilderness may provide a great spot for a homestead for those who like to live further away from the lakes or rivers. And moreover, springs remain unfrozen even in the winter.
   Some time ago there was also a suggestion to have village water supplies to remain unfrozen for easier spotting. Now we'll make it so the village water supply ponds will be actually springs from now on. And for the migrated characters, the existing village ponds will be turned into springs as you visit these villages.

I guess will also take a little browsing of the old Finnish spellbooks to see if there are inspiring magical means or remarks related to springs. Springs were traditional places of mystical powers and certain guardian spirits. New spells or quests potential is high.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.83.

March 27, 2024, 12:12:18 PM
Pausable weapon crafting The current pausable crafting mechanics have been tested quite extensively by now and only a few adjustments have emerged.
This is promising as eventually all the item crafting will be come pausable - and lesser the problems at this point, the sooner it happens.
For the time being we're still proceeding in small sections and next the crafting of weapons listed [M]ake->[W]eapons category will become pausable.
There will be some adjustments to certain weapon production times as they can be now increased to more reasonable levels.
Shortbows for example will get an average production time of 12 hours or so. A skilled character with quality tools may still be able to craft a shortbow in a day, but with mediocre skill and tools it's a process of several workdays.
Stone-axe will get the greatest production time increase - we'll be talking about 50 hours or so. It really is a slow process to get the stone blade knapped and grinded out to shape that is efficient for felling trees. Thus, stone-axe will become a survival option which you won't take up too lightly.
For other weapons the changes won't be that dramatic, but changes are still to be expected.

These are future features - not yet functional in 3.83.

April 01, 2024, 09:09:47 PM
Spring things, pausable things, future things Springtime is busy time - both out in the nature and inside the development chambers. We're preparing for a new version release still this month.

Pausable crafting additions is proceeding strongly. Quite a batch of craftable items will be using the pausable crafting mechanics in the upcoming version.
At this point the pausable crafting mechanics will cover all the weapons, lumber items, hafts and  item traps such as paw-board fox trap and loop snare - and some more are likely to be added.  So, with the upcoming version more than half of the craftable items will become pausable tasks. And in the version after that we'll likely manage to have all the crafts pausable, allowing it also in all the diy_*.txt modding.

A new skill, bowyer, will be also added. It's quite self-explanatory that this is the ability and knowledge to make bows and the craftable bows now call for bowyer skills in their crafting. And longbow will be made available as a new craftable bow type for the player character.

So, for the next few versions we'll be working mostly on item related additions, and hope to have these released in decent pace. After that, when all the crafting is pausable, we'll move into adding new quests. Some of these will be small and casual, but some will be most exciting for the  players who'd enjoy the presence of marriage or permanent companions.
Let that be a sneak peek in advance further into this year's plans.

April 08, 2024, 08:43:26 PM