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Topics - June_June

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: August 13, 2017, 05:43:27 AM »
There's a post like this on the previous forum, and I thought it might be nice to start a new one for simple questions and answers.

Is there a way to set up macros in URW to automate tasks? I'd like to stand over a big pile of meat and cords and process the cuts in small batches.

Gameplay questions / Do Single-Tile Islands Generate Animals?
« on: July 30, 2017, 08:14:07 PM »
There are several tiny islands near me, and I've constructed a trap fence on one with paw boards. There have been no catches to date. Are these islands too small to produce animals?

Suggestions / Reset Traps Without Picking Them Up
« on: July 30, 2017, 08:03:43 PM »
First post! I didn't go back through the previous forum to check this suggestion, but I find I'm using so many key presses to reset traps that need picked up. Might all traps work with alt-R, R, direction key? I really enjoy catching small game like foxes, and a change like this would really streamline kicking and resetting long chains of them.

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