Topic: [DEVELOPMENT RELOCATED] Brygun's Added Items  (Read 74220 times)


« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2018, 03:10:53 AM »
Im thinking of removing the idea of the wearing a leather punt's tarp as a cloak. the leather punt is already the lightest of all of the watercraft and if you need temporary watercraft you can take apart rafts


« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2018, 03:24:42 AM »
Tonight's adjustment to Brygun's watercraft

expanding/expanded typo fixed. thats for the spotting

removed the remove the leather punt's tarp

minor adjustment to recommended FLOTATION based on my new hopes for sum(weights) vs sum (flotations) code

added wooden stakes to starting the clinkered punt as the various braces that would be needed, consumed for simplicity and you might shape them to the one boat anyway

Ive debated on time changes but dont think I changed much

One pitch using step, I think it was in the clinkered set, had /6h/ /6h/ not /6h/ \6h\, the latter is now there to have pitch cooling

to do

merge leather making for punt with leather making for kota

test clinker building in regards to time.
note an unskilled improper equipped character being blocked is actual correct for this advanced water craft

possibly include vanilla "transport" menu items to check consistency on placement. if so rename files to brygun_transport rather than watercraft



« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2018, 10:21:21 PM »
Today's work on the watercraft

Leather punt now draws on Bouidda's hideworking  Kota making sheets. This removed one entry line.

Can no longer remove the leanter punt's tarp
(lots of logic issues with out much gain to game play)

Clinker punt gained one entry line for a middle clinkering stage. Now 12 boards thus 6 per side.

# nails per pound investigated with an increase on the #x# nails needed for the clinker boat

Price of clinker boat increased due to value of now #15# nails

Time to work on Birch-bark punt set to /6h/ steps in support of concerns of low-skill, low-equip characters building a boat. Has few calls for tools.

Finnish punt also now using /6h/ steps though has various tool calls. A moderate skill low equip  or a low skill medium equip character hopefully can build the vanilla game's punt

Added Draw knife as a specialized boat building tool

Clinker punt still uses /8h/ as a 'late game' challenge to have the skill and custom tools to be able to build the largest of the watercraft


« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2018, 11:51:59 PM »
Renaming mod entries for me and Bouidda

Split trunk -> Quarter tunk

Split half trunk -> Short quarter trunk

To move toward item names like

Prepared quarter core

Prepared short quarter core

or decorated quarter cores etc

which can then be used in recipies where the split trunk was.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 12:01:06 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2018, 11:56:20 PM »

And this is the point I realize Bouidda's original recipe created 4 split trunks though the text says you are splitting it in half


« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2018, 01:15:12 AM »
and another update

Split trunks were changed to quarter logs and now start with a log not a trunk

reason: you are trimming them for fine crafting and thats really a log

Split half trunk renamed to short quarter log

These renames affect my watercraft and Bouidda's bowyering and Bouidda's axe haft

In my own tweaking of the axe haft making I now have it produce 4 hafts with time = (time x 4). As I feel a quarter of a tree can be vertically cut into more than one axe handle. 4 radially seemed reasonably. This means a  felled tree now makes 32 axe hafts where as originally it was 4 total.

some tweaking on the clinker

Its now #16# total nails

Staffs not stakes are now used in the first step to be braces. Reason: The ship's sides will get tall and I dont see stakes as being that tall.

The idea of a "prepared quarter log" was dropped. Its pretty well prepared by the debranching of starting from a log not trunk


Clinker ribs are now made using short quarter logs. You would get the different hardness of core wood rather than a staff. There would be a lot of the wood removed though.

Oh.. and I forgot to mention... from earlier today

Leather Punt woven boat frame now uses branches, lots of branches, to make the weave.

Leather punt's woven boat frame now uses slender trunks as the initial holders for the weaving. Reason: now you dont need to make boards for this early technology punt.


Feed back is requested on the punt weights and suggested flotation.

I am concerned if someone can carry the clinker punt as that is needed for portages.  I am trying to moderately correct the weight on each stage with some loss of wood for shaping.

Prices are a hard guess as these are very complex builds object so should be worth ... something. I am basing the cost of each as roughly a factor on their weight. The vanilla punt being AFAIK 90 price for 90 lbs.

Roughly speaking

Leather punt needs to be worth more than the leather that went into it, but not by too much

Birch-bark isn't as durable as the Finnish punt and also it doesn't float as much. So Birch-bark price/weight is less than 1.

Finnish punt is the vanilla baseline AFAIK price 90 for weight 90 making it 1:1. Represent the most that can be done with using one tree by how the sides are folded out (Thanks Erkka).

Clinker punt is massively complex, requires lots of iron, specialized tools and good skills. It is the only one of the punts that is made to be massively bigger and more seaworthy than what can be done with one tree.

I wouldnt commit a character to building a clinker yet though. there could be changes still to come  and it is a costly productions



In the video on making the Finnish punt that Erkka gave us they added a board to each side. In affect one layer of clinking. Erkka stated he didnt think they used those historically so they were left off.

Would it be of interest to allow expanding the Finnish punt?

(which also means seeing if we have a line entry to free up.
Woven boat frame could be moved to lumber for instance)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 01:53:13 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #66 on: December 23, 2018, 03:27:48 AM »
I did a review of the weights per step for the clinkered punt. The per step jump in weigth is now explained as X from this and Y from that.

It came out even higher  ::)

at 310 lbs  :o

Which im pretty sure is beyond anyone's ability to lift.

Thats not completely bad as the big boat is supposed to be on the water.  :P

 It would also explain why typical NPC uses the Finnish punt which can be carried about.

The clinker would work for someone on the sea or along the major river networks and lakes.

A one person portage of a 310 lb clinker is going to have to be a push the boat.


Im not sure what the upper limit for carrying is but I think 310 is beyond most characters even in their undergarments.


« Reply #67 on: December 23, 2018, 03:34:00 AM »
Maybe if I reduced it from 6 strakes (clinkers) per side to ...

~250 lb final


~270 lb final


« Reply #68 on: December 23, 2018, 03:35:54 AM »
I'm pretty sure some (all) of my Kaumo characters can lift 310lbs... I can carry 5-6 slender trunks before being unable to move. It would still be hard to move with both the punt and equipment.

Do you have a picture of what this clinkered boat is supposed to be? Might be easier to determine if it should be liftable or not


« Reply #69 on: December 23, 2018, 04:12:45 AM »
Its been hard to get a picture but this one is fairly good

Based on the pictures Im okay with lowering it to 4 strakes per side


« Reply #70 on: December 23, 2018, 04:23:24 AM »
What if there was a way to use multiple straight logs underneath to roll the bout out to the water, like a conveyor belt with no belt just rollers.

I watched this video about viking bouts. It's about longships but it has info about pre longship building and clinkers. May or may not be useful.

There's one part where there's a diagram showing the stages. The building starts on land than moves closer each stage eventually ending up in the water for the final stage where it would be the heaviest. These bouts are probably bigger than what you are after, not really one man jobs. Could a NPC be hired to help?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 04:32:30 AM by KKarlssoNN »


« Reply #71 on: December 23, 2018, 04:40:29 AM »
The issue comes down to having the clinker boat able to portage or note. Portage as in to carry or move overland from one body of water to another. Currently the game doesn't allow weight of one object to be shared over multiple bearers.

I'm fine if the clinker punt comes down to a near-naked portage. It makes it a challenge to decide what little to carry with you over hopefully short trips. If you have to make lots of portages that is where the others work out.

I did a lot of rethinking, remeasuring and calculating on a 4 strake clinker and its coming in ~250 lbs. Means you could carry it, clothes and a limited weapon supply.  You would likely need to make a shelter/map marker where you dump the cargo then come back for it (or move the punt last). This is fine. That is what fur traders in Canada did back in the day.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 04:42:57 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #72 on: December 23, 2018, 04:46:05 AM »
Only just found this website and it appears to show construction well

Im not sure of the size of their boat but preliminary puts at about twice the length but same height as the clinkered punt.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 04:47:37 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #73 on: December 23, 2018, 04:50:02 AM »
I might use the freed 6->4 strake slot to add a "paint and seal the outside" step of the clinkered boat.

Probably add 5-10 lbs for 260 lbs range.


Ive also been debating adding some [Cloth] consumption as caulking in the seams along with the pitch glue.


« Reply #74 on: December 23, 2018, 05:19:23 PM »

Also, for some reason I'm not able to use any cords for the .Sewn bark hull. step. What could be the issue? I even made the vanilla cords to no avail. Are cords not Tying Equipment?

Erm... i thought Tying Equipment meant all types of cords and ropes from vanilla plus any mod with those as base objects

If thats not the case Ill have to rethink some things.

I ran into the same thing and can't remember exactly where the problem was since I have so many different mods installed along with my own silly creations, but one or more of the base items was written as "cord" instead of "Cord". I changed them all to the latter and it fixed the issue for me.

