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Re: Spirit relation re-balancing I agree the spirits should be mysterious (and quite possibly fickle), but I believe the player should be told what the character knows, that is, how you're supposed to use the rituals according to the custom. That might not be the "optimal" way, but should be good enough. Rebellious/adventurous/curious characters/players may then try variations of the custom(s) [plural, as different cultures may have differences in their customs].

I can no longer sacrifice a fish after using the fishing rod ritual, as I sacrifice a piece of (spoiled) meat every morning, and "double" sacrifices result in a reaction of displeasure (which also happens when my character wakes up early, and so the invisible date line hasn't been crossed yet when the morning sacrifice is conducted).

April 17, 2018, 01:18:47 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? On Day 1 of the 12th week before midwinter point, at his large cabin by the lake at "Black Rapid", Jarrold Kaumolainen successfully forged* a fine small knife on his second attempt. His two dogs, Spot and Rascal, were not impressed.

In the 9 months since his father perished on an unfortunate hunting trip, Jarrold has successfully colonized Black Rapid, met water spirits and forest maids, found milkweed, rescued two wounded adventurers' gear, felled a tree in the rain, passed weird messages between villagers, and done minor chores.

His notable kills include a 4 Njerpez, a lynx, a bear, a dozen forest reindeer, another dozen elk, and countless squirrels, hares, and small birds. He has travelled from his cabin on the edge of Koivula territory to the western shore of the Driik.

His next plan is to forge a fine carving axe, and he's considering an expedition against the Njerpez for next spring.

* Caethan's URW self-sufficency mod

April 18, 2018, 01:08:59 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I found this very secure house.  Is the builder still trapped inside?

April 19, 2018, 05:13:22 AM
Defense in a building I recently had a Njerpez warrior enter my cabin in the night and almost kill my character.  (See Stories --> Topic: He was in my cabin!)  I have never had this happen through multiple other characters.

Having said that, is there anything that can be done to make a building more secure?  I'm sure others have ideas of how to make this work. 

For example, can a new "lockable" door be constructed either be modifying the existing door OR by creating a new craft-able item of a "Door Bar".  The Door Bar could be made from 1-2 boards and tying equipment.  It is then applied to a closed door to secure the door.  It would need to be picked up from the adjacent door (and enter the character's inventory) for the door to be opened OR it could be hacked through using an axe to break the door (which would then create firewood?). 

April 19, 2018, 10:25:01 PM
Re: Testing ending in poisoning My first time I used a Noadi in a stew and was tripping for days because I kept eating the stew. I then finally realized what that effect was. I never do Noadis because the effect is annoying.
April 25, 2018, 03:02:16 AM
Re: Village inventory Farming produce is seasonal, so seeds are hard to find after the planting season starts, but easy after harvest, and the produce itself becomes abundant right after the beginning of harvest.

When it comes to the stuff I'd actually want to buy (after the initial purchase of seeds) I'm not sure I've seen any turnover, but I haven't looked closely. It's supposed to be subject to a turn over, so I assume it is.

There is no reason for any kind of quality progression, as UrW is a rather static world: changes were typically over the span of centuries rather than years for people living back then (except for fire burning villages down, war, etc.). Thus, masterworks item availability ought to be random, although it might be weighted towards larger/wealthier villages (and different weights for different cultures, of course).

May 01, 2018, 12:46:11 AM
Re: Help with forest spirit quest I think you might be right about seeing the spirit.  I have always [l]ooked at him in each of the 3 times I have completed that quest.  I think you should build a fire and perhaps use a torch to ensure that you have good visibility, some of those winter nights are super dark.

Here is a picture from Ulf's recent summoning ceremony.  He spent most of the day gathering down wood for a large fire.

Ulf thought a heathland would be the best place to summon the spirit, due to better visibility.  Got a great sign during the day too, a goshawk chased after a grouse.

May 02, 2018, 05:11:05 AM
Re: Help with forest spirit quest Ulf is the only survivor I've seen use that ritual and it seemed very effective.  Ulf settled on a small lake in the far north, seal tribe territory, in a heavily forested area with mountains ranges to all four sides.  In the three months that he has settled there game has been much more scarce than the many months prior that he was wandering the world.  With midwinter just a week away, Ulf made some bread and sacrificed it as instructed.  He was a tiny bit worried as he was told to leave the bread my a spruce tree on a hill or cliff, but the nearby hills had only young spruce trees growing on them.  Hoping for the best he pushed the bread under the branches of one such young spruce tree and spoke the words as instructed, "Klaatu verata necktie", close enough at least.  Walking to the mountain peak just a kilometer away he saw a bear, an elk and a reindeer in the distance.
May 02, 2018, 10:21:46 PM
Improving Fennec's random plant generator I was thinking about this and I think that Fennec's plant generator has a lot of extra potential in it. I'd like to share with you all my ideas pn how to improve it.

I don't really know how they did it do, since there's no source. @fennecfoxx , would you mind sharing it? I can program in java so surely something I'd be able to use.

As far as I see it, it's just creating a certain number of plants with the herbs getting special traits. Berries and crops get none. They do have random names and get semi-random values for nutrition and whatnot.

However, this can be a bit chaotic and create combinations of plants that make no sense or don't cover the range of possibilities so well. So a good idea might be creating some procedural or hardcoded "plant types". These could be things like medicinal, threadable, grindable, shamanic, poisonous, etc. A certain minimum number of plants with these traits must be available. So you'll always get at least one edible plant to make flour wit or to get high, to make threads (even if inedible), etc.

It should also balance the occurrence of plants such that north/south/east/west has a certain minimum of herbs/berries/shrooms/crops while still leaving some space for randomness.

These settings should be editable, to be able to fine tune the results to what you want (almost all berries are poisonous? Go for it!)

There should probably be some berries or mushrooms available throughout winter, even if only in certain areas. At least 2 types seems appropriate but could be slightly randomized.

As for crops, one of the problems is the already usable plants not being included or available. I see a way around this along with the plant types mentioned above. We could have similarly named plants (black-nettle, marsh-flax, etc) which could then be equally soaked or processed by changing the recipe to {*nettle} or even stuff like {Retted *nettle}, which along with names like "Fibre from X" and "Linen from X" could make the material persist through to the clothing name.

Crops could alsk be created along a template (random or not, with random deviations, so that all e.g. "foobars" would have roughly the same properties, with the chance of random changes. Maybe if the base template is edible each new one of that type can have a 5% of being poisonous, 1% deadly. So if you know the plant's base name/type but don't have full knowledge of, say, "spiny foobar", you might be taking a risk by consuming it even if all the other foobars are okay.

Along with this is the possibility of making some dye, which does seem to have existed in iron age finland. One approach is to use a fixed name plant, "dyeplant - red", and create some cooking recipes (plenty of space there) for make dye out of it. This would take one recipe using {Dyeplant - *} input. The other approach involves randomly named plants from which you can extract colored dyes. This would have to procedurally make recipes for each.

Dyes could be called via {Dye - *} and use the last word. Items should probably be dyed at the source recipe to save space though, but I guess the cooking menu could be used for all the clothing dying if necessary. It doesn't require fire nor a pot if you don't boil anything. Kludgy, though.

Some special and rare medicinal/stimulant plants could be sprinkled in to make things more interesting.

Lastly, and with the empty cooking space in mind, perhaps procedurally create recipes that call for specific plants/ingredients but which will have a higher value of nutrition than the sum of its components. This represents the cooking releasing ingredients, and perhaps specific herbs and ingredients complementing each other.

This would make you have to use the specific ingredients in order to benefit, which might not be easy. I guess the recipes could have "regional" dishes with herbs from the area (maybe some archetypes can be used, like "Northern porridge/soup") but also some "global" combinations to spice it up. Perhaps the global ones, being harder to gather, would have an even higher nutrition.

What do you think about these ideas?

January 22, 2019, 04:15:39 PM
Re: Improving Fennec's random plant generator I forgot a coiple of things:

Making of psychoactive mixtures and others could make use of the *shamanic* name tag, or simply specific herbs . The ingredients could be obscured by the description tag so that you'll have to find out the correct mix somehow.

The same vould apply to making medicines.

Themed names might be avoided to prevent detection of effects by association. If all "X's eye" "shamanic X" are always psychedelic or stimulant, you could realize the other plants have similar effects from the name alone.

While plant types could have similar attributes, this seems too much. The idea is for you to use herblore or have to experiment to understand them.

Edit:: as an addendum to the nettle stuff, threadable plants could just be used with {Fibrous *}. That wouldn't really reveal anything about the effects and it can be processed in a single recipe.

January 22, 2019, 05:34:55 PM