UnReal World > Mod Releases

Lurcolm's Craft Collection

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Alright. I'm new to this and I'm kinda worn out because I spent the entire day's free time obsessively working this mod.

It's a rework of Buoiddicca's Crafts. Trimming a few bits here and there and generally trying to make it work better. I added a sort-of glue system and I also modified a few of the primitive tools so you can have a bit of an easier life when you're stuck without an axe or a knife made of iron.

Amazingly enough, all this shit started because I wanted to make living without using Iron a tangible thing, and it just escalated from there.


First off, make a backup of your "diy_glossary' and "biy_glossary"

then take the files from my folder and dump them into your Unreal World folder.  It's crazy alpha, I'll have you know. I want any and all bug reports regarding this

May I suggest uploading the raw files to github instead of the .rar?  Makes it a lot easier to see what's going on.

That's a good idea. Imma go do that now

turns out the .rar file is the smarter choice, sad to say

Why?  What problems were you having with the raw files?  Github supports downloading packages as .zip files without any issues.


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