Topic: Herb (and Other Newbie) Questions  (Read 5058 times)


« on: May 30, 2020, 08:04:06 PM »
Hello! I'm a brand new player (I've only just gotten into survival games, and UnReal World is definitely one of the best I've played so far!) and I had a couple herb-related questions, plus a few general newbie questions.

First, I can't find the info on the wiki anywhere - do herb leaves ever spoil? And how about berries?

Second, what's the difference between roots and leaves? Roots take more work to get, but the examination using the herbalist skill gives the exact same info (at least for milkweed, which is what I was looking at).

Third, are herbs ever useful in trading? I'm pretty sure they've been rejected every time I tried. Just want to know if I should even bother trying

The wiki didn't seem to have this info handy, at least that I saw.

Other newbie questions!

If a trap an elk in a trap pit, can I leave it there for a few days? I'm so close to being done with my cabin so I can smoke the meat, but considering how exhausting building is, I'm not sure I can do it before the uncooked meat goes bad, even with a cellar. The elk is right outside my shelter (and where my house will be), so I'll be on the screen 99% of the time - would that make a difference in its safety/chance to get away?

Once winter hits, do you need multiple layers of clothing, or do you only need a few items of clothing? For instance, do you need a cloak and an overcoat and a shirt and buy an undershirt from a village, or are some of those not necessary? I don't want to freeze to death my first winter, but I'm not sure if I'm ready or not. I'm hoping to use the elk hide to craft whatever pieces are important and missing.

If you don't rip them up for cord, do clothes ever degrade? What about tools? I somehow ended up with a second handaxe (I have no memory of how I managed to do that, though I'm doing the basic tutorial course while also being a fisherwoman, so maybe from that?) and I was wondering if I should trade it for a different type of tool, or save it just in case.

I think that's it! Thanks for any help.


« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2020, 11:22:51 PM »

I've not noticed herbs to rot but not had a chara last more than 18months-ish.

Not sure on roots and leaves but there is a difference in agriculture and herbology as to the gathering system, ie: to plant later or just to eat.

Berries do rot, you can dry them for recipes or to eat later.
Always had herbs rejected in trade, myself.

Not left an animal in a trap for more than around two days. No idea what the 'implication' of you being near it would be. Meat in a cellar, excluding summertime lasts about 24-36 before going 'stale' in my experience. A small thing but I close the door of my smokehouse if I am carrying for instance 76 cuts that I will smoke in 4/19's.

On clothing better have more than you need, there are a lot more options with BAC mod for clothing but generally not only is clothing protection from cold but also from damage, in my experience especially arm protection.

Get a decent elk or bear fur/leather and craft a full kit and feel out and weigh up protection vs warmth vs burden.

Don't mess up crafting imprtant items wearing your heavy fur overcoat and cloak or heavy leather leggings.

Clothes degrade when worn, (or damaged in combat?). A spare 1 of anything is handy in case or being raided or ambushed.

I'm sure others have better knowledge but this is a start.


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« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2020, 09:29:33 AM »
Herbs don’t spoil, berries do. Berries in any condition are usable as bird trap bait.

Leaves are considered seasoning, roots are mostly considered vegetables (in cooking recipes)
Some roots can be eaten raw; lake reed root, milk weed root; and some like burdock root can not. Some roots like lake reed root can also be ground into flour; and used to bake flat bread or used as thickening in recipes like mushroom soup; replacing rye&barley so to speak.

Herb prices are low. Big stack can be wasted on low cost purchase. But personally, if my character picks up or harvests a plant; it’s for personal use.

Most game survives in trap 1-4 days. Small game like birds might be dead on impact, usually struggling for some hours. Larger game like elk, as in your scenario, should survive 3-4 days.
Warm season meat goes stale in 1-3 days. Spoiled in additional 1-3 days. Roasted meat stays good for 2-4 days. Boiled meat 2-5 days or so. Smoked meat lasts at least 3-4month in summer. Dried meat is good for half a year in summer. And then, during winter when ground is frozen: storing food in cellar... smoked meat can stay good for few months +frozen season... raw meat stays good as long as it’s cold/winter. It possible to have dried meat last to the next winter!

You’ll need 2-5 layers of clothing for coldest winter weather. Clothing and weapons do degrade; armor &clothing loses condition getting hit in combat, falling from trees etc. Weapons lose condition getting blocked/parried or hitting armor. Round shields lose condition when blocking an attack. Shoes lose condition when walking, albeit very slowly. (Most of my characters go through 4-5 pairs of birchbark shoes during warm season)

Many of my characters treat winter as easy meat processing hunting season. So they dress warmer, than someone spending their winter at their cabin’s front yard.
Linen trousers, undershirt/shirt/tunic. Woolen socks, mittens, trousers and shirt/undershirt. Fur footwear, cap, good, mittens and overcoat: gets you though most of the winter and not feeling cold. At least not too often. Adding woolen cowl, leather or metal armor helps too with staying warm. If you’re planning on excursions away from cabin; bring elk hide or couple forest deer hides with you as ground cover/blanket at the shelter.

Your character likely got 2nd handaxe from waterway portion of the basics course/tutorial.
It’s pretty safe bet for using as trade goods. Makes for a  portion towards woodmans axe, for felling more trees. Or decent bow.

If you have below decent quality fur or leather; it’s most of the time worth making it into bandage first, then using that bandage for making a cord, while retaining fully acceptable bandage, with half of the weight as precaution.

I hope I got most questions answered. Santur bard did already answer most of them.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 09:40:17 AM by JP_Finn »